
Dark Mofo is accessibility-friendly in 2023

June 11, 2023 6:22 pm in by


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Young Leaders of Tasmania (YLOT) has partnered with Dark Mofo for sensory-friendly relaxed sessions for this year’s festival.In 2023, YLOT and Dark Mofo present two relaxed sessions, aimed at providing a private, sensory-friendly festival experience for people with disability and their families. The sessions will take place on Saturday 10 June from 4pm at Dark Park, including the Ogog-Ogoh and Blue Velvet Lounge; and marshmallows by the fire on Sunday 11 June at Winter Feast from 3.15pm.Sessions have a capacity of 100 participants per session, and interested families should register online at: Dark Mofo Accessibility: Sensory Relaxed Sessions. Young leaders from YLOT’s buddy programs will be on-site, providing assistance and communication support to young people with disability and their families.These sessions are part of Dark Mofo’s broader access program, which for the first time includes audio descriptions (at Dark Park) and Auslan interpretation. Auslan interpreters will feature at two events – the State Library’s Stories After Dark on Saturday 17 June, and the matinee performance of A Divine Comedy on Sunday 18 June.Viewing platforms and accessible seating will be a feature of Dark Mofo venues this year, including at MAC02, Federation Concert Hall, MyState Bank Arena, the Ogoh-Ogoh Burning, and The Odeon. Dark Mofo’s front of house staff are trained, friendly, and will be well-placed to assist with any enquiry.More information about Dark Mofo’s 2023 access program is available on the Dark Mofo website: For more information about Dark Mofo’s relaxed sessions contact YLOT at or 0428 640 320, or email

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