2024 Million Paws Walk
RSPCA Tasmania is holding our 2024 Million Paws Walk at The Devonport Bluff on May 12th Sunday.
This will be the first time we will have held MPW in Devonport and it is also the 30th anniversary of the Million Paws Walk event nationally.
Join us at the Bluff in Devonport, with as many family & friends as you can muster for a social, breezy 2km walk, to raise funds for animals in need.
On the day, registrations open at 10am, and the walk starts at 11am.
Please bring extra funds to support fundraising raffles and animal themed market stalls!
AND don’t forget to have fun with our dog agility, games & entertainment.
We look forward to seeing you, your family and furfamily there! REGISTER TODAY!