North-West Coasters affected by last October’s flood event are being encouraged to share their experiences in the aftermath by providing details to a Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into the insurance industry’s response to the floods.
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into insurers’ responses to 2022 major floods claims is looking at October floods in Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania, as well as South-East Queensland and Northern NSW floods of February and March 2022, the Hunter and greater Sydney floods of July 2022, and the Central West NSW floods of November and December 2022.
Areas of the Central Coast, Latrobe, Kentish, Burnie and Wynyard municipalities were affected by the October flood events, with some infrastructure damage including roads and bridges still not fully repaired.
The inquiry is an opportunity for those who were affected by the floods to tell their story and share their experiences of dealing with their insurer through a 10-minute on-line survey.
The survey can be found at