
Police crack down on dangerous drivers

September 6, 2022 8:16 pm in by

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A traffic stop on the East Coast has prompted another safety call from Tasmania Police.

Earlier this week, Oatlands Police stopped a 24-year-old driver from Lemont.

It’s alleged he returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.206%, more than four times the legal limit.

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The man was charged with Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and Exceed 0.05%.

Patrols have issued an on-the-spot 12-month driving disqualification and bailed to appear before the Court on October 17th.

Officers have slammed the behaviour, revealing that police received two separate phone calls from members of the public in relation to the man’s driving.

“Police are disappointed that some members of the motoring public continue to disregard the road rules and take huge risks, which puts not only their life at risk, but the safety and lives of all road users and emergency responders,” said Senior Sergeant John Parker.

Authorities are reminding any motorists who consider driving dangerously to reset their behaviour immediately and do the right thing, saying “Enough Is Enough.”

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