
Spirits delay inquiry resumes

August 12, 2024 11:09 am in by

The Parliamentary Standing Committee of Public Accounts inquiry into delays with the Spirit of Tasmania replacement ships project will resume today.

The inquiry, being chaired by Murchison Independent MLC Ruth Forest is also looking at delays to associated infrastructure, including the Port of Devonport Quaylink redevelopment project.

It’s also looking into the decision by ferry operator TT-Line to vary the terms of the contract for the new vessels, including its adherence to caretaker conventions during the state election earlier this year.

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The committee will today take evidence from Infrastructure Minister Michael Ferguson and department heads from Treasury and Finance, State Growth and Transport and Infrastructure, as well as TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald and chair Stephen Bradford.

The inquiry will re-convene on Friday to hear submissions from former Opposition Leader Rebecca White and former Shadow Treasurer and Braddon MP Shane Broad.
