
Woman waiting for bed dies

August 10, 2022 11:22 pm in by

Answers will be sought on a woman in her 70s waiting more than nine hours for admission to Launceston General Hospital on Friday.

She had been in a ramped ambulance and died on Saturday morning around 9am.

The Premier has made some limited comments on the case as it is handed over for a review.

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“My heart goes out to the family, of course, who have lost their loved one, I offer my sincere condolences and there will be a formal investigation and we are doing all we can in terms of system improvement, in terms of investment.”

At the time the woman was brought to the LGH, its understood around 50 people were in the Emergency Department waiting room, and seven ambulances were ramped.

The Greens Rosalie Woodruff lays the blame at the state government’s feet.

“This woman didn’t receive the care that she deserved, the failure of the government to provide the proper medical care for nine hours, unfortunately I wasn’t surprised because the health system in Tasmania is in a shocking state of over stress.”

The Greens believe masks should be mandated for indoor settings to reduce the spread of Covid and the burden it’s placing on hospitals.

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